
1//! Helix endpoints regarding chat
3//! # Implemented endpoints
5//! <!-- generate with "cargo xtask overview" (with a nightly toolchain) -->
6//! <!-- BEGIN-OVERVIEW -->
7//! <details open><summary style="cursor: pointer">Chat 🟢 15/15</summary>
9//! | Endpoint | Helper | Module |
10//! |---|---|---|
11//! | [Get Chatters]( | [`HelixClient::get_chatters`](crate::helix::HelixClient::get_chatters) | [`get_chatters`] |
12//! | [Get Channel Emotes]( | [`HelixClient::get_channel_emotes_from_id`](crate::helix::HelixClient::get_channel_emotes_from_id), [`HelixClient::get_channel_emotes_from_login`](crate::helix::HelixClient::get_channel_emotes_from_login) | [`get_channel_emotes`] |
13//! | [Get Global Emotes]( | [`HelixClient::get_global_emotes`](crate::helix::HelixClient::get_global_emotes) | [`get_global_emotes`] |
14//! | [Get Emote Sets]( | [`HelixClient::get_emote_sets`](crate::helix::HelixClient::get_emote_sets) | [`get_emote_sets`] |
15//! | [Get Channel Chat Badges]( | - | [`get_channel_chat_badges`] |
16//! | [Get Global Chat Badges]( | - | [`get_global_chat_badges`] |
17//! | [Get Chat Settings]( | [`HelixClient::get_chat_settings`](crate::helix::HelixClient::get_chat_settings) | [`get_chat_settings`] |
18//! | [Get Shared Chat Session]( | [`HelixClient::get_shared_chat_session`](crate::helix::HelixClient::get_shared_chat_session) | [`get_shared_chat_session`] |
19//! | [Get User Emotes]( | [`HelixClient::get_user_emotes`](crate::helix::HelixClient::get_user_emotes), [`HelixClient::get_user_emotes_in_channel`](crate::helix::HelixClient::get_user_emotes_in_channel) | [`get_user_emotes`] |
20//! | [Update Chat Settings]( | - | [`update_chat_settings`] |
21//! | [Send Chat Announcement]( | [`HelixClient::send_chat_announcement`](crate::helix::HelixClient::send_chat_announcement) | [`send_chat_announcement`] |
22//! | [Send a Shoutout]( | - | [`send_a_shoutout`] |
23//! | [Send Chat Message]( | [`HelixClient::send_chat_message`](crate::helix::HelixClient::send_chat_message), [`HelixClient::send_chat_message_reply`](crate::helix::HelixClient::send_chat_message_reply) | [`send_chat_message`] |
24//! | [Get User Chat Color]( | [`HelixClient::get_user_chat_color`](crate::helix::HelixClient::get_user_chat_color), [`HelixClient::get_users_chat_colors`](crate::helix::HelixClient::get_users_chat_colors) | [`get_user_chat_color`] |
25//! | [Update User Chat Color]( | [`HelixClient::update_user_chat_color`](crate::helix::HelixClient::update_user_chat_color) | [`update_user_chat_color`] |
27//! </details>
29//! <!-- END-OVERVIEW -->
31use crate::{
32    helix::{self, Request},
33    types::{self, EmoteUrlBuilder},
35use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
36use std::borrow::Cow;
38pub mod get_channel_chat_badges;
39pub mod get_channel_emotes;
40pub mod get_chat_settings;
41pub mod get_chatters;
42pub mod get_emote_sets;
43pub mod get_global_chat_badges;
44pub mod get_global_emotes;
45pub mod get_shared_chat_session;
46pub mod get_user_chat_color;
47pub mod get_user_emotes;
48pub mod send_a_shoutout;
49pub mod send_chat_announcement;
50pub mod send_chat_message;
51pub mod update_chat_settings;
52pub mod update_user_chat_color;
55pub use get_channel_chat_badges::GetChannelChatBadgesRequest;
57pub use get_channel_emotes::GetChannelEmotesRequest;
59pub use get_chat_settings::GetChatSettingsRequest;
61pub use get_chatters::{Chatter, GetChattersRequest};
63pub use get_emote_sets::GetEmoteSetsRequest;
65pub use get_global_chat_badges::GetGlobalChatBadgesRequest;
67pub use get_global_emotes::GetGlobalEmotesRequest;
69pub use get_shared_chat_session::{
70    GetSharedChatSessionRequest, SharedChatParticipant, SharedChatSession,
73pub use get_user_chat_color::{GetUserChatColorRequest, UserChatColor};
75pub use get_user_emotes::{GetUserEmotesRequest, UserEmote};
77pub use send_a_shoutout::{SendAShoutoutRequest, SendAShoutoutResponse};
79pub use send_chat_announcement::{
80    SendChatAnnouncementBody, SendChatAnnouncementRequest, SendChatAnnouncementResponse,
83pub use send_chat_message::{
84    ChatMessageDropCode, ChatMessageDropReason, SendChatMessageBody, SendChatMessageRequest,
85    SendChatMessageResponse,
88pub use update_chat_settings::{UpdateChatSettingsBody, UpdateChatSettingsRequest};
90pub use update_user_chat_color::{UpdateUserChatColorRequest, UpdateUserChatColorResponse};
93pub use crate::extra::AnnouncementColor;
95/// A set of badges
96#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)]
97#[cfg_attr(feature = "deny_unknown_fields", serde(deny_unknown_fields))]
99pub struct BadgeSet {
100    /// ID for the chat badge set.
101    pub set_id: types::BadgeSetId,
102    /// Contains chat badge objects for the set.
103    pub versions: Vec<ChatBadge>,
106/// A chat Badge
107#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)]
108#[cfg_attr(feature = "deny_unknown_fields", serde(deny_unknown_fields))]
110pub struct ChatBadge {
111    /// ID of the chat badge version.
112    pub id: types::ChatBadgeId,
113    // FIXME: Use types::Image, see
114    /// URL to png of size 28x28
115    pub image_url_1x: String,
116    /// URL to png of size 56x56
117    pub image_url_2x: String,
118    /// URL to png of size 112x112
119    pub image_url_4x: String,
120    /// Title of the badge
121    pub title: String,
122    /// Descrition of the badge
123    pub description: String,
126/// A chat emote
127#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)]
128#[cfg_attr(feature = "deny_unknown_fields", serde(deny_unknown_fields))]
130pub struct ChannelEmote {
131    /// ID of the emote.
132    pub id: types::EmoteId,
133    /// Name of the emote a viewer types into Twitch chat for the image to appear.
134    pub name: String,
135    /// Object of image URLs for the emote.
136    pub images: types::Image,
137    /// If the emote_type is "subscriptions", this indicates the subscriber tier at which the emote is unlocked. Set to an empty string otherwise.
138    #[serde(
139        default,
140        deserialize_with = "crate::deserialize_none_from_empty_string"
141    )]
142    pub tier: Option<types::SubscriptionTier>,
143    // FIXME: Enumify?
144    /// The type of emote.
145    ///
146    /// The most common values for custom channel emotes are
147    ///
148    /// `subscriptions`: Indicates a custom subscriber emote.
149    ///
150    /// `bitstier`: Indicates a custom Bits tier emote.
151    ///
152    /// `follower`: Indicates a custom follower emote.
153    pub emote_type: String,
154    /// ID of the emote set the emote belongs to.
155    pub emote_set_id: types::EmoteSetId,
156    /// The formats that the emote is available in.
157    pub format: Vec<types::EmoteAnimationSetting>,
158    /// The sizes that the emote is available in.
159    pub scale: Vec<types::EmoteScale>,
160    /// The background themes that the emote is available in.
161    pub theme_mode: Vec<types::EmoteThemeMode>,
164impl ChannelEmote {
165    /// Create an emote builder for this emote.
166    ///
167    /// # Examples
168    ///
169    /// ```rust, no_run
170    /// # use twitch_api::{client, helix, types};
171    /// # #[tokio::main]
172    /// # async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
173    /// # let client: helix::HelixClient<'static, client::DummyHttpClient> = helix::HelixClient::default();
174    /// # let token = twitch_oauth2::AccessToken::new("validtoken".to_string());
175    /// # let token = twitch_oauth2::UserToken::from_existing(&client, token, None, None).await?;
176    /// let emotes = client.get_channel_emotes_from_login("twitchdev", &token).await?.expect("user not found");
177    /// assert_eq!(emotes[0].url().size_3x().dark_mode().render(), "");
178    /// # Ok(())
179    /// # }
180    /// ```
181    pub fn url(&self) -> types::EmoteUrlBuilder<'_> { EmoteUrlBuilder::new(& }
184/// A chat emote
185#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)]
186#[cfg_attr(feature = "deny_unknown_fields", serde(deny_unknown_fields))]
188pub struct GlobalEmote {
189    /// ID of the emote.
190    pub id: types::EmoteId,
191    /// Name of the emote a viewer types into Twitch chat for the image to appear.
192    pub name: String,
193    /// Object of image URLs for the emote.
194    pub images: types::Image,
195    /// The formats that the emote is available in.
196    pub format: Vec<types::EmoteAnimationSetting>,
197    /// The sizes that the emote is available in.
198    pub scale: Vec<types::EmoteScale>,
199    /// The background themes that the emote is available in.
200    pub theme_mode: Vec<types::EmoteThemeMode>,
203/// Chat settings
204#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)]
205#[cfg_attr(feature = "deny_unknown_fields", serde(deny_unknown_fields))]
207pub struct ChatSettings {
208    /// The ID of the broadcaster specified in the request.
209    pub broadcaster_id: types::UserId,
210    /// A Boolean value that determines whether chat messages must contain only emotes. Is true, if only messages that are 100% emotes are allowed; otherwise, false.
211    pub emote_mode: bool,
212    /// A Boolean value that determines whether the broadcaster restricts the chat room to followers only, based on how long they’ve followed.
213    ///
214    /// Is true, if the broadcaster restricts the chat room to followers only; otherwise, false.
215    /// See [`follower_mode_duration`](Self::follower_mode_duration) for how long the followers must have followed the broadcaster to participate in the chat room.
216    pub follower_mode: bool,
217    /// The length of time, in minutes, that the followers must have followed the broadcaster to participate in the chat room. See [`follower_mode`](Self::follower_mode).
218    ///
219    /// Is null if [`follower_mode`](Self::follower_mode) is false.
220    pub follower_mode_duration: Option<u64>,
221    /// The ID of the moderator specified in the request for chat settings.
222    pub moderator_id: Option<types::UserId>,
223    /// A Boolean value that determines whether the broadcaster adds a short delay before chat messages appear in the chat room. This gives chat moderators and bots a chance to remove them before viewers can see the message.
224    ///
225    /// Is true, if the broadcaster applies a delay; otherwise, false.
226    /// See [`non_moderator_chat_delay_duration`](Self::non_moderator_chat_delay_duration) for the length of the delay.
227    ///
228    /// # Notes
229    ///
230    /// This field and [`non_moderator_chat_delay_duration`](Self::non_moderator_chat_delay_duration) are not received when the request is made without a specified `moderator_id`.
231    pub non_moderator_chat_delay: Option<bool>,
232    /// The amount of time, in seconds, that messages are delayed from appearing in chat. See [`non_moderator_chat_delay`](Self::non_moderator_chat_delay).
233    ///
234    /// Is null if [`non_moderator_chat_delay`](Self::non_moderator_chat_delay) is false.
235    pub non_moderator_chat_delay_duration: Option<u64>,
236    /// A Boolean value that determines whether the broadcaster limits how often users in the chat room are allowed to send messages.
237    ///
238    /// Is true, if the broadcaster applies a delay; otherwise, false.
239    /// See [`slow_mode_wait_time`](Self::slow_mode_wait_time) for the delay.
240    pub slow_mode: bool,
241    /// The amount of time, in seconds, that users need to wait between sending messages. See slow_mode.
242    ///
243    /// Is null if slow_mode is false.
244    pub slow_mode_wait_time: Option<u64>,
245    /// A Boolean value that determines whether only users that subscribe to the broadcaster’s channel can talk in the chat room.
246    ///
247    /// Is true, if the broadcaster restricts the chat room to subscribers only; otherwise, false.
248    pub subscriber_mode: bool,
249    /// A Boolean value that determines whether the broadcaster requires users to post only unique messages in the chat room.
250    ///
251    /// Is true, if the broadcaster requires unique messages only; otherwise, false.
252    pub unique_chat_mode: bool,